Right Coast Tree Preservation owner, Lee Wyman, is an ISA Certified Arborist and R.I. Licensed Arborist. He also holds the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) with the International Society Of Arboriculture (ISA)
If you have concerns about your tree(s) he is happy to come out to your property and provide a Tree Risk Assessment. There are 3 levels of Tree Risk Assessment.
Level 1: Limited Visual Assessment:
- Tree(s) assessed from a specified perspective with the Arborist observing obvious defects and potential targets
Level 2: Basic Assessment
- Tree(s) assessed with detailed visual inspection of the tree and surrounding area of the tree.
- A synthesized collection of tree and site information will be presented to customer in a written or typed report.
- Basic tools involved include: sounding mallet to provide clues to amount of decay or if the tree is hollow, a probe to inspect open areas or decay, digging tools to inspect trunk flare and buttress roots, binoculars to inspect canopy from ground
Level 3: Advanced Assessment
- Any inspection that involves use of bucket truck or rope climbing to provide more in depth look at the canopy of the tree