Providing Rhode Island with high quality tree & shrub care services for over 10 years . Contact us today!

Providing Rhode Island with high quality tree & shrub care services for over 10 years . Contact us today!
Our website is currently under construction to improve your experience and how we communicate with our customers. Thank you for understanding.
- Tree & Shrub Health Care
- Tree Pruning
- Cabling & Anchoring
- Tree Removal & Stump Grinding
- Woodland Management
- Arborist Consultation &
Tree Risk Assessment
Speak with an ISA certified arborist today!
Call or Text
(401) 487-8438
- Tree & Shrub Planting
-Privacy Screen & Hedge Planting
- Shrub Pruning & Hedge Sheering
- Brush Clearing & Field Mowing
- Invasive Plant Management
- Landscape Consultation
- Skidsteer Services
Right Coast Tree Preservation is a locally owned tree and shrub care service in business since 2011. Based in the town of Richmond, RI and serving all of southern Rhode Island. We offer professional arborist services to improve and maintain the safety, health, function and aesthetic appeal of your trees and shrubs
All operations are overseen by owner Lee Wyman who is an ISA Certified Arborist. He is also an R.I Licensed Arborist, R.I Certified Horticulturist, R.I Licensed Pesticide Applicator and Invasive Plant Manager. Whether your trees need to be improved or remove, make the right choice with
Right Coast Tree Preservation .
ISA Certified Arborist
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ)
R.I Licensed Arborist #879
R.I Licensed Contractor #35827
R.I Certified Horticulturist (RICH)
First Aid/CPR Certified
EHAP Certified
(electrical hazard awareness program)
Aerial Rescue Certified (TCIA)
Dead Norway Maple tree removal in Wakefield, Rhode Island
Backyard garden installation in Wakefield, Rhode Island.
26 Richmond Townhouse Road, Richmond, Rhode Island 02898, United States
Monday - Friday: 8am - 7pm
Saturday: 8am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed
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